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14Mar, 2022
Diving deep into the Data Profiling World?

Diving deep into the Data Profiling World?

Data profiling is the act of examining and exploring data to determine how it is structured, what it contains, the relationships between data sets, and how it may be used most effectively.

This process mainly involves reviewing and analyzing data in order to develop valuable summaries of it. The approach produces a high-level overview that can be used to identify data quality concerns, hazards, and overall trends. Data profiling, in particular, sifts through data to establish its quality and legality.

Types of Data Profiling

  • Content Discovery : It is mainly involves checking each data set to find errors and systematic problems. In data profiling, content discovery's main role is to analyze the more closely the dataset more to check quality.
  • Structure Discovery: This type of data profiling includes the analysis of datasets that are formatted correctly and are consistent throughout the database. The main aim of structure discovery is to know how well data is structured and how much it varies with pattern. Apart from that, it also involves some calculative activities like sum, max, min, etc to find a match pattern. 
  • Relationship Discovery: It is quite clear from its name. It generally includes analyzing and identifying relationships across spreadsheets and tables. Many times, two elements of data depend on each other, but they both belong to different spreadsheets or tables. Hence, discovering a relationship between them helps a lot in the data profiling process. It also helps to cut down on some issues with data warehouses when data is not aligned and saves lots of time in this process.

Advantages of Data Profiling

  • Improved Data Quality: Either directly or indirectly, the main aim of data profiling is to improve data profiling. Better data quality helps businesses on any front. That's why every organization prefers data profiling on a compulsory basis because any single piece of information can affect business choice.

  • Risk Management - Researchers said that if you can find the risk at the initial stage of analyzing, you win half the battle, and data profiling helps a lot in winning this battle. It helps businesses proactively identify issues before they create problems.

  • Predictive Decision-Making: Decision-making is one of the most applicative words in the data analytics world because, nowadays, most of the companies' goals are achieved through data analytics, but data can influence a decision at any stage of data analytics. Data profiling is mainly used to avoid small mistakes in the future and also helps businesses understand possible outcomes.

  • Helps in Data Sorting: One of the best advantages of data profiling is that it sorts out databases statically during the process, which leads to a reduction in time for data categorization. During the data profiling process, it needs to analyze data from different data sources, and here it shows sorting quality to meet the business requirement.

  • Business Efficiency: The purpose of any data is to benefit the business. In the same way, data profiling helps businesses enhance insight and new strategies.

What Are The Methods For Data Profiling?.

  • Column Profiling - This method is mainly used to uncover patterns within data.At this stage, every value that appears in the column of the table is counted.

  • Cross-Column Profiling - Cross-column profiling is the next step, and it helps you look for relationships between different columns or fields in the same data table, and these relationships help you find dependencies across the table.

  • Cross-Table Profiling - In this method, users mainly try to find a foreign key. Cross-table profiling also looks at the data types available, the size of the data table, and what the opportunities in the data are for analysis.  

Conclusion -

Data profiling is a continuous process; whenever data comes, all processes start again, and to take a place in the market, you just need to analyze competitors. Organizations must be ready for the future because as businesses expand, the volume of data sets also increases.

Hence, most organization experts believe that other practices must help to manage your data, but you won't get the best result without data profiling. In2inglobal has automated tools that reduce your data profiling time and give productive analysis as per your data.

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